
12 Study Tips for Back to School

Going back to school can seem daunting. While catching up with friends can be fun, new classes, new teachers and the overall environment can really stress you out. Not to forget the expectations you have to meet. There’s so much you have to process and learn that it can easily get overwhelming. To stay on top of things though, you can always plan ahead and plan well. Here are a few tips to make sure you glide through to the next year.

Get a good planner

If you want to reduce the stress, the first thing you need is a planner to manage the source of your anxiety. Keep track of all your assignments and tests so you’re never taken by surprise. Organize all the information in one place so that you can find it with ease. Prioritize your tasks and create a schedule. If you see your work piling up, take out time to catch up with it. 

There are a lot of good planners out there that you can use. There are a number of great journaling options, and you can also go paperless with a planning app, that is great too. And the best part of going electronic is no matter where you are you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Just be sure to get a high-speed internet connection if you choose the latter or it’ll be more stress than help. We’d recommend you call Spectrum Customer Service, they have a ton of affordable internet options you’ll love.

Organize your materials for each subject

As you juggle multiple classes a day, it can get tough. To make sure you don’t waste time looking for materials for each, place all your books, notes, binders for each subject together. When you pack your bag, you’ll be sure to pack all the materials needed for the day without getting flustered. 

Develop your own organizational system

Speaking of organizational systems, it’s important to note every student is different and learns differently. A system that works for one may not necessarily work for another. Some learn through books, some are visual learners while some learn on the go. Figure out what kind of a learner you are and pick a system according to it. Remember, just because a system didn’t work the first time, doesn’t mean it’s not suitable. You may just need more time to catch the flow.

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Review what you learned the same day

It won’t take long, hardly 15 to 20 minutes, but when exams come around you probably won’t have to study as hard. You’d probably know it all. And you’ll also be prepared for each class. You’ll be able to understand the next class better. This is your go-to-step if you want to have a good grasp on the subject in the long run.

Schedule your assignments

The next step then is scheduling in all your tasks and assignments based on how much time you’ll need to complete each and the level of urgency associated with each. Don’t wait for the last minute to complete your work. Set an early deadline and meet it. Don’t let work pile up.

Clear your study space

Distractions can really kill your productivity so take active steps to minimize that possibility. While we don’t recommend you limit yourself to one space to work, wherever you study follow these basic rules. The space should not be a center of meeting as it’s bound to have people coming in and interacting with you. Don’t cut yourself from your family either, spending quality time with them is important. Pick a space where people are less likely to come and go from and which of course does not have TV or gaming consoles. You would want to stay totally clear of distractions on your mobile as well while you study.

Don’t Multitask

While we’re on the topic of distractions, let us tell you not to multitask. No matter what you think or what others say, fruitful multitasking doesn’t really exist. The only thing you’ll end up with is doing neither with full focus. Your productivity will decline and you’ll compromise your education.

Use short forms in note-taking

Noting down every word the teacher says is just not humanly possible. Then again the best notes are those that manage to convey the message in the least amount of words. Use diagrams and flow charts to help you. No matter what you do, don’t make notes without understanding what your teacher has to say. Also, don’t use abbreviations that you yourself won’t remember when exams arrive.

Save all study guides and aids

All the handouts and worksheets that you lose as soon as you get them, they hold the key. Do not misplace them! Also, make guides throughout the semester so you don’t miss out on any important stuff. When exams approach you’ll be grateful that you did.

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Take breaks to increase focus

Inc. Magazine recommends that we should take a break every 60 to 90 minutes. This ensures you’re more focused when you get back to work. Also breaking your study in blocks of time helps you remember better as you create a barrier of sorts between each chapter you study. In the long run, you’ll better remember what you learned. Just make sure your lazy self does not exploit this.

Don’t forget to reward yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. When you complete a task appreciate the effort and celebrate it. You can do this by getting ice cream or even giving yourself a day off to the party. Your mental health is important too after all!

Communicate With Teachers Effectively

Your teachers only want to help you improve and they can only do this when you communicate with them. Need additional instructions, they’re there; can’t handle the intense workload, they’ll help. You just need to tell them where you’re facing problems. Once they see how interested and hardworking you are you might get some consideration when they mark you. Especially for things like class participation.

There you go! Follow these steps and you’re sure to shine at the end of your academic year. Remember intelligence isn’t a fixed trait. If you believe it is, you are bound to avoid tasks you don’t think you are good at. Those who believe in the ‘expandable’ or ‘growth’ theory of intelligence, like challenges that increase their ability despite meeting initial failure. So keep working and you will excel without a doubt.

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Akansha Reddy

Akansha is a technology enthusiast and a writer with an incredible following among the leaders and decision-maker of the industry. She writes about technology, billing software, regulations and much more.

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